Blog Archive

Friday, April 4, 2014

Not Over, But Under - Achieving

Blogging Attempt Take 2

"Dont ever put your happiness in someone else's hands. They'll drop it. They'll drop it every damn time." (One For Sorrow, C. Barzak)

A few of you readers might be here because of my works on the Dirtbag Magazine or the previous CCG blog, but you should know this now: This is my personal blog; no editor, no co-writer, no motivating boss. This blog is all me, bare to my most inner thoughts and shared with you. If you are not an old fan, and have made a horrible mistake by stumbling upon the mess I call a blog, then welcome. My name is Meg, and this is where I come to write.

What you may find about me is that I care a lot, or not at all. This is were I come to find my passion, to talk about things that I feel need to be talked about, to get my words out and into the living world. I am here to leave my metaphorical footprint on a technological world. Whether my posts get one read, or one hundred, it makes no difference to me. What I want? To look back at this blog as a crinkled, well-wrinkled old lady with laugh lines and a confidence to match, and see the things that made me who I am. My relationships, my appearance, my location will all change, but the way I think and what I stand for will never castaway. Those things stay tied to you, strapped to your inner core by tight white rope, for your entire life. Only the bravest people have the power to be vulnerable and look into themselves with a microscope: these people are, by far, the hardest to love, because they are the people who need no validation from others. They are the only people who are truly free. So question your every move, strive to be the person who over reaches destiny and molds their own fate with the clay under their feet and the grasp of their hands, attract people by the way you live, and ask yourself: Who the fuck am I? And please, don't you dare say your name and don't you dare say your looks. You are the quotes you write on your arms, you are the dream behind your eyelids, you are the thoughts that no-one will hear, you are the features in other people that draw you in like a magnet, you are the scars sewn in the linings of your body, you are the music that makes you move, you are the tears staining your cheeks, and you are the reasons behind them.

This is my way to avoid being a cliche little shit by saying this blog is my "journey to self discovery", but well, I can't lie. I'm a little cliche. My point is: in this whole wide world the only person you can ever depend on is you. So learn who you are, and then love the fuck out of yourself.

"Stop looking for a place to call home, make the bones in your skeleton the only structure you need." (Haley Hendrick)

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